
Modern Hanafuda, Closing Shop

Hello my lovely mustachioed backers!

I hope this message finds you well. I realized the other day that it had been over two years since I started drawing pictures for my Modern Hanafuda cards and boy! has the time flown by! However, like all good things, Modern Hanafuda, in its current rendition, is coming to an end.

That’s right! Our initial Kickstarter stock is running low and I have decided not to reprint a second edition. For collectors, your decks just got a little more collectible (especially those signed copies). For people who still play Koi Koi, you might shuffle your decks a little more gingerly in the coming months.

I had a great run these past couple years and I have gained invaluable knowledge about manufacturing, shipment, business, customer relations, taxes, etc. But, I know none of that knowledge and learning would have happened without your pledges. It’s hard to explain how much your support helped me along the way, but it really did and I want to say, one last time:



So, consider this your official heads up! If you’d like to grab one more deck or perhaps send a copy to a friend or family member this holiday, you can still purchase a deck through my Shopify store: The remaining decks will be first come, first serve. The store’s last day will be October 31st, 2014 and will be closed, for the foreseeable future, on November 1st, 2014.

Thank you again to each and everyone one of you for your support these past couple years. A toast to your gracious support and to your future endeavors! Hopefully in two more years time, you will still be playing a game or two of Koi Koi.




Poster Update

Good news everybody!

Modern Hanafuda is still alive and kicking and we’re making some changes both in the website and with our product offering. Starting in mid August, we will be offering the Modern Hanafuda artwork through Society6 – a community helping create awesome products using awesome artwork from awesome artists!

This will mean you can purchase new framed art prints of various styles and sizes, stretched canvases, iPhone and iPod  cases, iPhone and iPod skins, and stationery cards. There is even a possibility for shirts and pillows. Stay tuned for more details!


Modern Hanafuda Decks

Please direct your attention to the Card Store tab for purchasing decks. For artwork, click on the Poster Store tab. Happy Shopping!


A Functional Store

Hello and welcome to the new Modern Hanafuda website!


Printed Poster Proofs!

Just a quick little update (and a tiny tongue twister title). The following are some pictures from the final printed poster proofs. I think they turned out great and can’t wait to receive the rest of the posters. Feel free to leave a comment below if you’d like.


Card Backs

Ta Da!

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Your Message:


Printing in Progess

Hello world!

It’s amazing to think that 2 months ago my project was 100% funded here on Kickstarter through the support of my lovely 399 backers. During that time, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to run a small art business, how to set up multiple large scale print orders, networking with other artist, advertising, marketing… the works! It’s been a roller coaster of a process and I’d like to share with you some good, some “bad,” and some exciting news.


Daily Candy

Hey there folks!

Thought I would let you know that Modern Hanafuda was featured on DailyCandy’s, “13 Kickstarter Projects to Watch (and Fund).”  It’s an honor to be selected and share a corner of cyberspace with some other really wicked projects. Feel free to check out the link below and pass it on.


P.S. – 8 days left! 😀

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Your Message:



Hello my lovely backers!

To those of you who are just joining us, welcome to the party! We have 16 days to go and are fast approaching the $5,000 mark! It is really exciting to share with you this process and I am currently working on some stretch goals should we get 100% funded. So stay tuned for that in the coming days/after the New Year. In the meantime, I hope you will join me in continuing to spread the word about Modern Hanafuda.

Today I would also like to share with you some test prints for the posters and the framed art prints (hot off the press and straight out of the shipping tube).


Hello world!

What would a new blog be without some Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus malesuada pulvinar leo et fringilla. Aliquam eget ipsum et risus tristique pellentesque eu in elit. Vivamus eget tortor nisi. Duis et est in arcu pulvinar feugiat. Fusce tempus rhoncus arcu, viverra volutpat ipsum euismod in. Vivamus tempor malesuada velit vitae hendrerit. Vivamus luctus porta lectus, congue pretium justo vestibulum eu. Phasellus commodo tincidunt dui, et pellentesque augue facilisis eu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce euismod feugiat venenatis. Duis dui lectus, gravida vitae pharetra in, lobortis id magna.